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Sister Nibedita Government General Degree College for GirlsAffiliated to University of Calcutta    |    (Recognised under Section 2(f) of UGC Act, 1956)

An Institution for Undergraduate Studies in Science & Humanities
Under the Department of Higher Education, Govt. of West Bengal

Value & Ethics

This college follows a strict ethical principle and always tries to imbibe our students with high moral values. From the very first day in the ‘Orientation Programme’ when the newly admitted students come to the college they are reminded about their duties along with their rights and facilities. These duties include their duties towards themselves, towards other people, towards their country and above all towards the whole nature. As our college is named after Sister Nivedita, whose life is a perfect example of selfless service to common people, they are asked to walk along her path, enroll as volunteers of NSS and serve for the betterment of underprivileged people and always remember the motto of NSS i.e. ‘Not me but you’.

On the occasion of Independence Day or Republic day celebrations they are often reminded that loving  their country means loving the people of their country irrespective of caste, creed, gender and religion. Along with paying homage to the great freedom fighters who have sacrificed their lives for the freedom of the nation, they are also requested to think over the issue of the significance of “Independence”or “freedom” in the present day. In this connection they are asked to make their minds free from six enemies of the soul (shadripu) as depicted in ancient Indian Scriptures; and they are Kama or lust, Krodha or anger, Lobha or greed, Mada or pride/ego, Moha or attachment and Matsarya or jealousy. If we strive to make our minds free from these enemies we may bring a better tomorrow in our country. 

As we are deeply rooted into our own culture, we always try to inculcate those values which are upheld by our cultural icons like RabindranathTagore Our students have staged his different dance dramas like “Chandalika” which speaks against the untouchability and menace of caste system, “Chitrangada” which boldly speaks about gender equality. Through these cultural programmes we try to spread moral values.

Strongly believing in the maxim that information is not knowledge and knowledge is not wisdom we try to impart that knowledge which will enable our students to look beyond “here and now”. And this looking beyond here and now is the basic tenet of sustainability. We try to inculcate the value of environmental sustainability through lectures, practices, and also by actively taking certain measures. From the very first day at college, students are asked to keep the college campus clean and plastic free. They are encouraged to plant trees and also to adopt them. We have installed a rain-water harvesting system, the students were asked to be present during the installation of the recharge pipe, to witness the fact that the pipes are reaching the aquifer level which will be recharged with the rainwater accumulated on the rooftop. A bio compost pit has been formed, a 1 KW Solar  Photovoltaic (PV) panel has been installed and along with these activities students are sensitized regarding seven Rs (Rethink, Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, Repair, Regift, Recycle) of sustainability.

If our institution is able to make our students’ minds free from fear, their heads held high with self esteem and righteousness and if we are able to encourage them to work for the betterment of people and nature just not for today but for the future, it may be claimed that we have inculcated proper moral values to our students.