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Sister Nibedita Government General Degree College for GirlsAffiliated to University of Calcutta    |    (Recognised under Section 2(f) of UGC Act, 1956)

An Institution for Undergraduate Studies in Science & Humanities
Under the Department of Higher Education, Govt. of West Bengal

Faculty Profile

Dr. Purnima Dey W.B.E.S

Qualification , B.Ed., Ph.D. (From Calcutta university)

Contact Details :

Department of Food & Nutrition

Teaching Experience :

  • Worked in Gokhale Memorial Girls College as Guest Lecturer of Clinical Nutrition & Dietetics (Vocational) for 1 year
  • Worked as Assistant Teacher (SSC) in Santoshpur Rishi Aurobindo Balika Vidyapith for 7 years.

Specialization and Research Interest :

  • Food and Nutrition.
  • Submitted Ph.D. Thesis in Food & Nutrition under  University  of Calcutta on Medicinal plant

Research & Publications

  1. Purnima Dey, Debarati Das,Kazi Layla Khaled,2016 Effect of Allium ampeloprasum in Counteracting Oxidative Stress Biomarkers Induced by Low Protein Diet in Rat Model,AIJRFANS,14(1):30-34
  2. Purnima Dey, Imana Pal, 2015. A glimpse on Baccaurea ramiflora, a less appealing underutilised medicinal plant of West Bengal (an extensive review). I.J.S.R., 7(7): 18289 – 18295.
  3. Purnima Dey, Kazi Layla Khaled, 2015. An Extensive Review on Allium ampeloprasum - A Magical herb. I.J.S.R., 4(7): 371 – 377.
  4. Purnima Dey, Kazi Layla Khaled, 2014. Quantitative Estimation of Some Essential Minerals of Gymnema sylvestre as a Potential Herb in Counteracting Complications of Diabetes. I.J.R.S.B., 3(1): 71 – 74.
  5. Imana Pal, Purnima Dey, 2015. A Review on Lotus (Nelumbo nucifera) seed. I.J.S.R., 4(7): 1659 – 1666.

Publication on Seminar proceedings:

  1. Purnima Dey, Kazi Layla Khaled, 2014.”Preliminary studies on mineral content of Anti-hyperglycemic Herb Gymnema sylvestre;” published in National seminar on Therapeutic ways to wellness: Relevance of Nutrition, Psychology, Art and Music,organised by Dept. of Home Science, Calcutta University, February, 2014.
  2. Purnima Dey, Kazi Layla Khaled, 2015.”Focusing the Nutritional Aspect of some Underutilized Seeds”. J.B.Books and Learnings, pp. 31 – 38, ISBN 978-93-83010-27-1 published in National Seminar on “Nutritional Deprivation in the midst of plenty” – An attempt to create awareness” organised by Dept. of Food & Nutrition, Raidighi College, September 2015.

Seminar/Conference/Workshop Attended :

  • Presented a paper entiteled as Empowering Women to Rediscover the Hidden Underutilized Crops of West Bengal as “Future Smart Food” to Achieve Sustainable Developmental Goal for Alleviating Hunger, in National Seminanar organized by the department of Home Science, University of Calcutta, 27th-28th March,2019.
  • Invited Speaker in the topic-“Know what you Eat” in One day seminar organized by the department of Food & Nutrition & department of Chemistry,Behala College,28th January,2017.
  • Organized one day health check up programme on the Occasion of “National Nutrition week Celebration 2016, by the Department of Food & Nutrition, Sister Nibedita Govt General Degree College for Girls, 6th September, 2016.
  • Guest Speaker in Workshop on General awareness on Nutrition and Healthy Habit organised by L.J.D. Public School, Falta, April, 2016.
  • Presented paper on.”Focusing the Nutritional Aspect of some Underutilized Seeds”. in National Seminar on “Nutritional Deprivation in the midst of plenty” – An attempt to create awareness” organised by Dept. of Food & Nutrition, Raidighi College, September 2015.
  • Presented poster in National Seminar on 100th Indian Science congress on Poster session organised by the Indian Science Congress Association, Calcutta University, January 2013.
  • Presented poster in National Seminar on Prevention & Management of Diabetes: Prospects & Challenges, organised by Dept. of Pharmacology, R.G. Kar Medical College, Kolkata, September 2012.
  • As a Resource Person successfully conducted a Training Session on Clinical nutrition and Diet for women in A Three month skill Based Entrepreneurship Development Workshop on Beautician & Physical Care(RSVY 2004-2005) conducted by I Create Foundation Sponsored by the District Administration, in Collaboration with Zilla Parishad & District Industries centre, South 24 Pgns,24th November,2007.
  • Participated in the Higher education department Govt.of West Bengal Sponsored Interdisciplinary State Level seminar on “Remembering Sister Nibedita: A Symbol of Women’s Empowerment” organized by Sister Nibedita Govt .General Degree College for Girls, 21st February, 2017.
  • Participated in the Higher education department Govt.of West Bengal Sponsored Interdisciplinary State Level seminar on Women Empowerment and Higher Learning: Revisiting Perspectives of Sister Nivedita in This Era, organized by Geology, Geography and Economics Department, Sister Nibedita Govt .General Degree College for Girls, 28th September 2016.
  • Participated in the Higher education department Govt.of West Bengal Sponsored Interdisciplinary State Level seminar on “Vivid facets of higher Learning towards Conservation of Life” organized by science Department, Sister Nibedita Govt .General Degree College For Girls, November 29,2016.
  • Participated in the Higher education department Govt.of West Bengal Sponsored Interdisciplinary State Level seminar on “Women’s Empowerment & higher Learning” organized by Arts department ,Sister Nibedita Govt .General Degree College For Girls, 06th December ,2016
  • Participated in the Higher education department Govt.of West Bengal Sponsored Interdisciplinary State Level seminar cum Science Exhibition on “Bio-revolution and Progressive life” organized by Bio science department ,Sister Nibedita Govt .General Degree College For Girls, 25th December ,2016
  • Attended National Seminar on Better Nutrition: Key to development organised by Institute of Science, Education and Culture at Birla Industrial & Technological Museum, Kolkata, 9thJanuary 2016.
  • Attended National Seminar on Research Methodology & Statistical Techniques organised by the Dept. of Home Science, Calcutta University, January 2015.
  • Attended Workshop on “Tools and Techniques of Survey Research”organised by the Dept. of Home Science, Calcutta University, December, 2014.
  • Attended National Seminar on 100 Years for the hypothesis of Vitamin Deficiency Diseases, organised by the Dept. Of Food & Nutrition organized by P.C.Mahalanobis Mahavidyalaya in collaboration with the Dept. of Biochemistry & Nutrition, All India Institute of Hygiene & Public Health at Rabindra Bhaban Auditorium, Baranagar , December 2013.
  • Attended Workshop on “Research Methodology” organised by the Dept. of Home Science, Calcutta University, June 2013.


  • Cleared NET (JRF) Examination, June 2008.
  • Life member of Indian dietetic Association, Bengal Chapter from 2010.
  • Life member of The Indian Science Congress Association.