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Sister Nibedita Government General Degree College for GirlsAffiliated to University of Calcutta    |    (Recognised under Section 2(f) of UGC Act, 1956)

An Institution for Undergraduate Studies in Science & Humanities
Under the Department of Higher Education, Govt. of West Bengal


The Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) of this college is formed on 17th March, 2017 in line with the latest extant directives for the creation of IQAC, laid down under the “Revised Guidelines of IQAC and Submission of Annual Quality Assurance Report (AQAR)” issued in 2013 by the National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC), Bangalore and “XII Plan Guidelines for Establishment and Monitoring of the Internal Quality Assurance Cells in Colleges (2012-2017)” issued by the University Grants Commission (UGC), New Delhi.

The composition of this IQAC for this college is as follows :

Sl. No. Name Designation
1. Chairperson Dr. Sebanti Bhattacharya, OIC, SNGGDCG
2. Coordinator of IQAC Dr. Sharadindra Chakrabarti
3. Senior Administrative Officers
  1. Dr. Sujit Pal, Principal, Institute of Education for Women, Hastings House, Alipore, Kolkata.
  2. Dr. Nintu Mandal, Joint Director of Public Instruction, Directorate of Higher Education, Government of West Bengal, Bikash Bhavan, 8th Floor, Kolkata 700064.
4. In-House Teachers
  1. Dr. Anik Kumar Chattopadhyay
  2. Dr. Rajarshi Roy
  3. Dr. Nivedita Nag
  4. Dr. Tuhin Subhra Sarkar