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Sister Nibedita Government General Degree College for GirlsAffiliated to University of Calcutta    |    (Recognised under Section 2(f) of UGC Act, 1956)

An Institution for Undergraduate Studies in Science & Humanities
Under the Department of Higher Education, Govt. of West Bengal

Department of Philosophy

Philosophy is a foundational discipline. A rigorous training in philosophy enables a student to engage productively in multidisciplinary research and discourse. Apart from helping in building a purely academic career, a course in philosophy also makes multiple career options available by assisting in qualifying various competitive examinations. Apart from classroom teaching, the department of philosophy proposes to inspire students by organizing seminars in which students can participate, present papers and so on. This is likely to facilitate learning and creativity. Our aim, in brief, consists in producing academically competent and professionally qualified individuals with requisite moral sensitivity to enrich the nation and beyond.

The faculty of Philosophy offers undergraduate courses in Philosophy, Honours and Pass. The faculty comprises three members, Dr. Sebanti Bhattacharya, Dr. Nandita Bagchi and Maumita De. Dr. Bagchi is a specialist in feminist epistemology and feminist philosophy in general; Professor De is engaged in research on mathematical logic.